OK, so call me a girl on a mission.
I’ve discovered the fun (and benefits) of guest posting, and I’ve decided to do it when and where I can.
Luckily people seem to like me which makes it even more fun.
My first guest post ever is the one you see immediately below on Problogger… how’s that for pretty fracken cool?!
Since then I’ve guest blogged on a number of well-known blogs, including Copyblogger and Virgin.
Stay tuned to this page, because as I do new posts for different blogs, I’ll link to them and feature them below so that you don’t miss out on any of the fun yourself. 🙂
@ProBlogger- How to NOT Repulse Readers and…
@OurMarketingGuy- Your Website, Your Words- Why…
@RedheadWriting – The Dork Effect and the Shiznet of…
@unbounce- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Social Media…
@FreelanceWritingGigs- Write and Be Merry- How to Make a…
@Copyblogger- How to Recover from a Social…
@SocialMediaSun- #moxierules 3 Important Steps to Give Your Blog…
@ProBlogger- Life Unexpected- It Ain’t Just A…
@EntrepreneurPro-Ben Lang- Blogging Takes Commitment With A Dash Of…
@Copyblogger- 3 Steps to Finding Your…
@FirePoleMarketing- Entrepreneur SOS…
@Write To Done-6 Ways to Waste Your Time as a Writer (Hint:…
@Kikolani-Self Promotion Through Social Media- Don’t…
@AdrianSwinscoe-To Brand or Not to Brand- Isn’t…
@ProBlogger- Blogging, Steel-Toes, and Kicking Perfection’s…