3 Downfalls of Being Self-Employed You Can Easily Overcome


This is a guest post courtesy of Kimberly.

Working for yourself isn’t always rainbows, butterflies, and cherry licorice.

It has a downside just like anything in life. Please make Kimberly feel welcome and feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments below this post.

So you got the nerve to step out on your own.

Exciting, isn’t it?

Living the life of an entrepreneur is exhilarating. You can set your own hours, your own goals, and you have no one to answer to but yourself.

But as much fun as it can be to pursue your passion, it is not always sunny in the world of self-employment.

You undoubtedly face challenges along the way. And guess what?

It’s normal.

As a solopreneur, I have quickly learned that there are certain downfalls to this luxurious career choice. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome each challenge. Here are a few of the obstacles I faced and how I overcame each one.

You May Be Forced to Sit a Spell

When I first started out, I came from a job that had me on my feet for twelve hours a day. I was constantly walking to get my work accomplished and very rarely required the use of a computer to get things done.

Enter the reality of being self-employed and sitting for hours on end behind the computer.

Although I followed my dreams and pursued my passion of helping small businesses with their digital marketing, I found that being glued to the seat of my chair was more draining than I’d anticipated.

I made my way to the gym each morning to get my daily dose of fitness, but still, each afternoon was met with lethargy and exhaustion… from sitting!

At the start of my career while I still worked in the corporate world, my boss purchased a standing desk for anyone who wanted one.

I quickly jumped at the chance to try this.

The desk allowed me to sit or stand whenever I wanted throughout the workday. It got my butt out of the chair and I instantly felt better. Headaches went away, the tension in my neck and lower back disappeared and my energy level was through the roof.

I purchased a stand up desk for my home office to help overcome this downfall. While browsing a few options, I saw something new.

A treadmill desk!

Who would’ve thought?

I tried it out in the store and instantly fell in love. Now, I walk while I watch webinars, sort through emails and type guest blog posts, such as this one.

It may seem strange at first, but give it a go and you might just be as surprised as I was at how much better you feel walking while working.

It Can Get Lonely

Being in business for yourself, by yourself…

Let’s be honest. Water cooler talk is highly underrated.

At the start of my career, I enjoyed the time I got to spend with co-workers. The social interaction I had in the corporate world throughout the workday was a bonus I took for granted.

Once I started on my own path, I did not anticipate missing it as much as I did.

After all, I loved having time to focus on my work and actually dive in deep with a project without the risk of interruption from a co-worker or a meeting.

And I always have my husband to chat with about the day. But it was the water cooler chat that I truly missed.

Being self-employed can be lonely.

The way I have started to overcome this is by starting new activities each month.

I joined a networking group in my community, signed up for guitar lessons and started regularly participating in races to mingle with others in my area.

It does not have to be costly to get out and meet new people, and it may even help you find business in unexpected places.

If you miss the social interaction of an office, try breaking out of your shell and trying something new. Business or non-business related, it is surprising how beneficial expanding your horizons can be.

Motivation Does Not Always Come Easy

Even for the most self- motivated people.

Ever wake up in the morning to the sound of your alarm and realize, you actually do not have anyone to report to?

I have.

Self-motivation is tough.

Some days, it feels like a struggle to get going. You are your own boss, and if you don’t want to work then why should you?

Of course, with this mindset, your business would quickly dissolve, your customers would be severely disappointed and you could lose your dream.

That is usually enough to get people self-motivated enough to keep their own business going. But some days feel tougher than that.

I consider myself extremely self-motivated, but still struggle with getting going some mornings. To overcome this, I made achievable goals for the short and long term.

I plaster my earnings in front of me so that I know the days I cannot afford to slack off a bit, and the days where I might be able to take a longer lunch break than usual.

Keeping your goals in sight is an easy way to encourage yourself to stay motivated, even on days when you feel sluggish and tired.

Make a visual board, buy a white board, use post-it notes, whatever it takes.

Allow yourself to fall into a routine where you review your progress toward your goals each morning so that you get your daily dose of motivation to help you pick up and go.

Being self-employed is a thrill and it comes with many benefits. But as with any good thing, there are also downfalls to this career choice.

Over to You

What have you found to help you overcome challenges met along the path of entrepreneurship? Please share your thoughts below and if you liked this post, tell someone about it.

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About the author

Kimberly Crossland

Kimberly Crossland is an online marketer and small business mentor. She frequently blogs about what she has learned while working as a solopreneur, including giving tips on the unique office furniture that keeps her productive and healthy. Find out more about how Kimberly has equipped her office by visiting thehumansolution.com

By Kimberly Crossland

Kimberly Crossland

Kimberly Crossland is an online marketer and small business mentor. She frequently blogs about what she has learned while working as a solopreneur, including giving tips on the unique office furniture that keeps her productive and healthy. Find out more about how Kimberly has equipped her office by visiting thehumansolution.com

Get in touch

Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

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