Tagfacing challenges

What to Do When (Insert Colorful Cuss Word Here) Happens


Sometimes the worst happens. Living in today’s world with the words economic depression being bantered about in conversation, people being laid-off or fired from jobs they’ve worked at for years, homes being foreclosed on… yeah, sometimes the worst happens, or what feels like the worst in that moment. The only thing you can do is keep moving forward, and as they say… make lemonade out of lemons. ...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Looking for a FAB copywriter? You must MUST MUST check out Cori Padgett – she’s genius!

Mel Connolly, EmTwoWebStudios.com

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