Unusual Places to Start a Business


This is a guest post courtesy of Alan Grant.

I thought it’d be a fun piece to share with my fellow dorks as choosing your work space can vary massively based on personal predispositions.

This post highlights a couple (ahem) less than traditional ideas for your office.

My advice for the day? EVERY one should have an office in a fracken tree! Now who wants to make me one? 😉

Oh and as always, if you love this post please feel free to share it with the populous. 

Modern technology means that you can start a business from pretty much anywhere these days. All you need is a laptop or smartphone, some kind of internet connection and most importantly a killer idea.

Once you’ve got these three things any of the following locations can be considered a viable alternative to traditional office space!

A Tree House

There aren’t that many practical advantages to starting your business in a tree house but there’s no denying that doing so would be pretty cool.

All successful entrepreneurs need an interesting backstory, about how they almost went bankrupt or were inspired to greatness by a homeless guy they met on a bus. Your tree house story will trump the lot and when you’re famous it’ll be chat show gold.

An Electronics Store

When you think about it electronic stores have everything you need to start a business. All the computers are usually hooked up to the internet and there will be loads of other gadgets floating around that you’ll be able to utilise. And the best thing is it won’t cost you a thing!

Admittedly you’re not going to be able to hang around all day, so you’re going to have move on pretty quickly. But one you’ve been kicked out of the Apple Store there’s always the likes of Sony and Best Buy!

The Boot Of Your Car

This is perfect if your new business involves selling. Think of your boot as a travelling store that allows you to sell all over the country, or even the world! It might sound a bit dodgy but even the biggest business have to start small.

I should warn you that if you want to start selling goods from your car there are certain regulations you need to make sure you follow. It would be a shame to get shut down before you’ve really started.

A Fishing Boat

Getting out on the water is a great way to ensure that you’re not disturbed. Plus nobody can look over your shoulder and steal any of your awesome ideas (think Napster and Facebook).

You might be wondering why it has to be a fishing boat. Well the truth is it doesn’t. It’s just that that fishing is a relaxing past time and has a history of inspiring people to achieve great things.

It’s probably not the best place to get everything set up but if you’re searching for that initial spark of genius there are few better options.

Not In Your Bedroom!

It’s actually pretty common for a successful business to start in a bedroom, but when you think about it it’s actually pretty strange.

It’s meant to be the one room in the house where you can relax and escape from the troubles of the day, which isn’t easy when the photocopier is doing its thing in the corner.

Surely these people have a lounge or study that would be better suited to the task. Or better still a tree house or a fishing boat!

Alrighty then. So how about you my pretties? Have a crazy locale for an office? Do tell, drop your thoughts in the comment section below. It’s kind of like the tip jar of ideas. 

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About the author

Alan Grant

When he's not running his business from his tree house Alan Grant contributes to Find Me A Gift, the unusual gifts specialists from the United Kingdom.

By Alan Grant

Alan Grant

When he's not running his business from his tree house Alan Grant contributes to Find Me A Gift, the unusual gifts specialists from the United Kingdom.

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