5 Dirty Little Secrets and 28 Ways to Show #CustomerLove


So, in the spirit of the #customerlove movement started by David and perpetuated by LaVonne and now Holly (And because it’s the Sunday night before Labor Day and Sunday nights such as this are supposed to be fun!)

I decided to share 5 things about yours truly (meaning moi for you slow folks that are already getting your holiday weekend party on… 😉 ) that you might not know.

(And by the same token, really might not WANT to know… just sayin’!) If that’s the case I’d suggest you close your browser NOW and step away from the keyboard.  K?

No?  Still here?  K good.

In addition, I’ll be giving you 28 ways you can spread that “lovin’ feelin'” (No, not that kind dirty!) to your readers and customers yourself, in honor of the 28 day #customerlove challenge.  (See, now you’re totally excited right?  Knew you would be!)

5 of My Dirty Little Secrets

I’m Actually Super Shy

No really.  I know ya’ll are like pssshtt… yeah right.  But it’s true.  I’d even go so far as to say painfully shy.  At least when I first meet you or talk to you. (Or there’s alcohol involved.  Alcohol tends to wash the shy right outta me.) Really, ply me with a drink or three and shyness and anxiety go buh-bye, right out the window.

You’d be hard pressed to shut my ass up in fact.

However, barring alcohol and other fun BAD drugs, anxiety disorders seem to run in my family.  So despite my superhuman powers of will, sometimes I suffer from mild attacks of dread, when I have to go out and be social or chat on the phone with strangers.

And networking events, I have to have a solid, chatty wingman, or it’s highly likely you won’t hear a peep from me.  I’ll be the girl back in the back observing everyone from a distance.  Sad I know. But see?  Bet you never knew that about me now didja!

Thankfully my cases aren’t nearly as debilitating as the panic attacks and such my grandma and aunt suffer from.  Nor is my health and wellness too adversely affected like my girl Jade (talk about a brave chick!)… so I’d say I’m pretty lucky in that respect, all things considered!

I Have an Infant Step-Son

OK you might know that if you follow me on FB, but otherwise it may be news.  I won’t get into details of how all that happened exactly, suffice to say I once had 2 babies (older babies now) now I’ve got 3!  And the third is just as loved as the other two, and cuter than kittens too.  That’s my crew below!

As you can see they’re hams, the lot of them.  But lovable hams, so what can ya do?

I Used to Be a Goth/Rainbow Bright Hybrid Chick

OK, so this is something many people find really hard to believe when they first meet me these days, but it’s true!  My only regret is I didn’t take enough pictures in those days to prove it!  I did manage to dig up a couple photos though… you’ll have to pardon the quality.

As you can see, I tell no lies!  Lol… I even had a pair of black leather pants and combat boots I wore all the time.  Ask my mom, she’ll tell you!  Ahh… memories.

I Have a Penchant for “Trash Backs” (AKA Romance Novels)

Yes, it’s true.  I’ve been reading romance novels since I was but a ‘tween.  And in my motherhood years, for some odd reason I’ve begun to gravitate towards the paranormal romances… vamp trash backs , werewolf trash backs, psychic ability characters, god and goddess characters… if it’s abnormal I’m all over it!

While I don’t have as much time these days to feed my little book addiction, it’s still there and I take advantage of every chance I get to curl up in bed with a good trash back and read from start to finish.

I Like Peanut Butter and Mayo Sandwiches On Occasion

Sounds gross right?  Really though it’s not!  It’s actually quite tasty and my friend Jenna is the bar wench that turned me onto them.  That’s her below.  Why do I call her bar wench?  Because we used to tend bar at Medieval Times!  THAT however you will see no pictures of.  Yes there were costumes involved and no it wasn’t pretty.  We’ll leave it at that. 😉

There you have it!  5 little factoids you may or may not have known about me.  You are now an official member of the Realm of Cori.  Don’t you feel so proud?  Now let’s talk lovin’ and feelin’.

28 Ways to Love Your Customers and Readers

  1. Buy them candy.
  2. Buy them chocolate.
  3. Buy them candy AND chocolate.  (No really, they love that!)
  4. Listen to them.  Really listen.
  5. Write to them, instead of over or at them.
  6. Be a leader.
  7. Be an example.
  8. Practice good business and good service.
  9. Operate with integrity.  Always.  No exceptions.
  10. Don’t lie to them.
  11. Don’t talk down to them.
  12. Make good on all your promises, written or spoken.
  13. Give them your best deals.
  14. Treat them as equals that deserve respect.
  15. Do the unexpected in a big way when you can.
  16. Surprise them with kindness and generosity, always.
  17. Help them achieve a goal.
  18. Help them set a goal.
  19. Help them identify strengths, and show them how to build on them.
  20. Introduce them to someone who can help them, especially if you can’t.
  21. Tell them you care.  Real simple, just say it.
  22. Make them feel “part of the club”.  AKA special.
  23. Send them handwritten cards of appreciation.
  24. Write a post on a topic inspired by them, and give credit.
  25. Offer them your skills for free on occasion.
  26. Give a surprise discount on an order or purchase already placed.
  27. Express thanks for something they may not realize they have done for you.
  28. Simply ask them “What you can do to help them today?”

There you have it!  5 things you probably didn’t want to know about me, plus 28 ways you can show your customers, clients, and readers you care about them and want to do right by them.  So how about you?  Got some ways you show #customerlove yourself?  Or dirty little secrets you’re brave enough to share here?  Drop them all in the comments below and let’s talk dirty love!  (Ha… I crack myself up sometimes!)


Silly assed but necessary disclosure- Any and all Amazon links you find on BGB are most likely run through my Amazon affiliate account.  Yes, I stand to make a dollar or two if you use them.  So don’t use them indiscriminately, I wouldn’t want you to make me rich or anything… you know those dollar bills add up.  Just ask strippers!

About the author


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

By Editor


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

Get in touch

Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

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