
Trade Show Savvy- Are You Doing It Right?


Maybe exhibition shows are right for you and your biz, maybe they aren’t. Only you can know that. However if you have decided to dip your toes in the water and exhibit at a show for the first time, you need to know you’re probably not the only biz thinking along those same lines. Exhibitions and trade shows present a wealth of opportunities to promote your brand, products, and...

Twitter and the Brands that Dominate


Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, in my admittedly humble opinion, have always been the social media platforms that I get the most mileage out of. And out of all the ones I would probably deem “most useful” in a customer service type capacity, I would have to probably dub Twitter the winner. Apparently other businesses agree with me.   There are quite a few big brands that have...

Are POP Displays Really a Thing?


While I’m certainly no expert, I’ve recently been reading up on POP displays and potentially using them in your brand strategy.  You can walk into just about any Walmart, Winn Dixie, or <insert retail store of choice here> and find yourself exposed to what’s called a point of purchase display, whether you realized what you were looking at or not. According to BrandingStrategyInsider.com, a...

Share (Eeeks!) Videos to Increase #BrandAwareness for Your #SmallBusiness


Howdy BGB’ers. So. On average, five tweets per second contain a Vine link, according to research from tech company Unruly. Consider Vine reports more than 40 million registered users and parent company Twitter reports more than 241 million active monthly users, and you can imagine the potential reach of those six-second videos. Like, woah. YouTube gets more than 1 billion unique visitors...

4 Keys to Building a Kick Ass Branding Crew


Products and services may determine how customers value businesses, but those companies may never get a shot at their target clientele without an effective brand strategy. Ouch. Harsh huh. Brands have plenty of work to do in a competitive market. Not only must they establish and promote themselves to the right customers, they must do so in a way that differentiates them from competing brands...

7 Ways to Build Your Brand- Breaking Bad Style


This is a guest post courtesy of Akshay. (Who by the way has the coolest name on the planet.) If you have any questions, please feel free to drop them in the comments below. How does a devoted family man turn into a cold-blooded, sadistic sociopath? The transformation of Walter White into drug kingpin Heisenberg enthralled millions of viewers because no other show has so brilliantly captured such...

Vine – Why it Could be Your Brand Story Teller


Ya’ll have heard of Vine right? Vine my darlings, not vino. (Although a little vino at the moment wouldn’t be remiss. But I digress.) So I’ll admit I’m a slacker in the Vine department and haven’t messed with it yet. But methinks I might jump on the bandwagon, and mayhap you should too. But first let me tell you why. 😉 The growth in the number of mobile devices on...

Brand Building Tips for the Not-So-Average Joes and Janes


This is a guest post courtesy of Kate with tips on things you might want to consider before diving headlong into a branding campaign.  It’s important to have a destination in mind whenever you embark on any journey. And branding is (at least in my book) ultimately a journey of discovery, whether you are trying to build a personal brand to platform off of, or a business brand designed to...

Make Your Biz Exciting Again with These 5 Hot Business Trends


Is your business in need of a Red Bull? Wait, scratch that, I think I’m in need of a Red Bull. This has been an exhausting week, let me tell ya. Alas, I won’t bore you with the deets, so let’s talk biz. And yes, your business may very well be in need of a Red Bull too. (Good thing they make that stuff, eh? hehe) According to the U.S. Census Bureau, approximately 55 percent of...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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