
Facebook as Part of Your Influence Strategy


It’s funny Daniel came to me with guest posts on the topic of Facebook, as I’m currently in the middle of creating a PLR report on that very topic. lol But Daniel’s post is great because influence does indeed play a huge role in the success of a business. If you’ve thoughts or comments, please don’t hesitate to drop them in the comments area below, and as always...

SEO vs. Social Media- Who Wears the Pants?


The short answer if you’re tight on time and really don’t want to read my stuff (sniffle, sniffle)… is that social media and SEO wear the pants in this duo. I know, SO boring when there’s a tie!  Where’s the blood? The guts? The glory? No TKO?  Sheesh. Alas, it’s true my friend. Search engine optimization (SEO) and social media are catchphrases you hear and read about on a daily basis if you’re...

Bullets with a Purpose


As in life, everything you do in your business or sales strategy should have a purpose. Doing anything without an end goal in mind is essentially just spinning your wheels and wasting your time. When you know why you are doing something, suddenly whatever it is you are doing takes on a whole new connotation.  There is a REASON behind your actions, and a method to your madness.  Remember, end goal...

The Secret to Closing


One of the biggest things people struggle with in sales is the close. And it’s even more tough to close when it’s in print and not face to face.  The problem is that your close is not meant to stand alone.  A good close is wrapped within your entire sales pitch, and in fact you are actually closing the entire time… it’s just done in such a way that your prospect...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Looking for a FAB copywriter? You must MUST MUST check out Cori Padgett – she’s genius!

Mel Connolly, EmTwoWebStudios.com

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