9 Tips to Help Establish Yourself as an Authority


This is a new guest post by our guy James Adams on some solid tips to help you establish authority within your niche.  Any questions, POV, or other general hoopla is appreciated in the comments below.  And keep in mind the BIG QUESTION as you read… How are YOU establishing your authority, right now within your niche?

If you have been trying to jump-start your blog or web content site, then you have probably heard quite a bit about establishing yourself as an “authority”. In order to grow your readership and to keep attracting new readers, it is important to be perceived as a credible expert. Here are 9 ways to establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

Keep Up to Date and Well Informed

To be an expert and an authority in your niche, it is important to keep yourself well informed about all the latest developments in your industry. This will allow you to be able to respond to your readers and clients when they ask questions. It will also allow you to keep your readers informed about all the latest news.

Guest Blog

Another great way to spread your message and to establish yourself as an authority is to write guest posts on other experts’ blogs and news sites. This not only helps you to gain credibility among the readers of those sites, but it also allows you to get your name in front of more readers.

Write a Book or eBook

A great way to boost the perception of your expertise is to become an author. Your book doesn’t necessarily have to be a bestseller, but it will allow you to call yourself an author and to make a few bucks on the side.

Highlight Your Achievements

Humans quite often perceive authority based on whether others have recognized that authority. You should regularly highlight any awards or achievements that others have recognized you for in your niche. If you have made any print media or television appearances, you should mention them. Pertinent academic degrees also tend to carry a lot of weight among readers.

Be Passionate

One thing about expertise is that it is hard to fake. In order to truly come across as an expert, you ought to be truly immersed and passionate about your field or industry. This will not only keep you up to date on all the intricacies of your industry, but it will come through in your writing.

Be Detailed

One thing that separates experts from the generalists is their ability to delve deeply into specific topics. Rather than casting a wide net, you should try to drill down into a topic and give tight examples. This is what the beginner is looking for, and it is what will separate your content from all your competitors on the topic.

Join the Conversation

On the web, there are undoubtedly numerous forums and outlets where people gather to discuss your topic. By entering into these conversations, you will give yourself the opportunity to show off your deep knowledge of your topic.


It’s a simple matter to spout off your opinion on a subject, but very few people take the time to do the research. When you list your sources and show statistics, your articles will be much more credible. It will also demonstrate that you have taken the time to read the work of others in your field, which few people are actually willing to do.

Use Understandable Language

The true expert knows how to convey information in a way that the population at large can understand. People not immersed in your industry will not gather around you if you consistently use jargon that they cannot understand.

Although it may seem like becoming an authority is only reserved for the elite and special among us, it is definitely possible even for the common man. If you have a passion for a subject and are willing to work hard, then you too can become an authority.

So how about you BGB’ers?  What are you doing, TODAY or this week to help establish your authority?  Drop your thoughts in the comments below, and if you found this post useful, I’d appreciate you sharing it with your pals. 😉

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About the author

James Adams

James Adams is passionate about business development and marketing. He is currently a writer and blogger at a leading online ink supplies shop where he reviews newly released hardware like the HP 364XL.

By James Adams

James Adams

James Adams is passionate about business development and marketing. He is currently a writer and blogger at a leading online ink supplies shop where he reviews newly released hardware like the HP 364XL.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

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People feel like they get a real sense of me before coming to meet me. This is amazing and means so much in a field often clouded with fear of the unknown. Cori was fantastic to work with in that she went above and beyond to really get what I needed my copy to say and HOW. I think it required a lot of patience on her part and I am so thankful I trusted her to help! Thanks Big Girl Branding!!

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