CategoryBGB Tutorials

#BGB Tutorial: Creating Viral Content Without Selling Your Soul


Let’s face it; the internet is currently becoming overloaded with content. From blogs to websites, there’s so much competition from around the world that it can be overwhelming and very daunting even to think that your content could shine through and become viral. But why wouldn’t it if you’ve created the right content? After all, it happens to people and businesses around the world every day...

#BGB Tutorial- Use #BlackFriday Deals to Gain Customers and Retain Repeat Biz


Black Friday may have lost a bit of cash due to escalating e-commerce sales, but the holiday still remains one of the biggest sales days of the year. This year, Black Friday is expected to generate $9.2 billion in sales, representing a 10 percent drop from last year. However, online sales are expected to balloon by 13 percent to $3 billion in sales and make up for this loss. In fact, Amazon began...

#BGB Tutorials: Influencer Marketing No-No’s


Zak Mustapha is the Man! He reached out to over two hundred bloggers, entrepreneurs, influencers and experts within their industries, and asked them one simple question: What’s the biggest mistake they’ve ever made (or seen others make) when it comes to ‘Influencer Marketing’? 217 of them responded with insights, wisdom, and nuggets of gold when it comes to smart marketing, and...

#BGB #Infographic: 10 Basics to an Effective and Successful Website


It is the age of the Internet, and every business – established or start-up – needs to have an online presence that makes it easier for customers to know more about its products and services. But does that mean just any old website will do? Um… no. Definitely not. AddPeople, a popular Internet Marketing agency in the United Kingdom, recently published this enlightening infographic...

#BGB Tutorial: 4 Freelance Blunders to Make You Go Woops! Or DUH. (You pick.)


Whoever has ever said freelancing is “easy” should be strung up by their toes and dangled over a balcony somewhere, mouth stuffed with oversized gooey marsh mallows to muffle the screams. (I know, I have weird notions of torture.)  Those individuals clearly don’t know Jack. (Or even Jill for that matter.) Seriously though, freelancing isn’t as easy as it may sound. It’s not “Oh lemme just hang...

#BGB Tutorial- Valuable Insurance Tips for Home-Based Biz Owners


This is a guest post courtesy of Carrie with handy tips around appropriate insurance for some of the most common home-based business ventures. The right coverage is important because you really just never know what can happen, know what I mean? And I speak from experience when I say it’s extremely stressful to  find yourself in a position where you weren’t adequately covered for...

#BGB Tutorial: Optimism + Affiliate Marketing = Rich Potential Rewards


This is a guest post courtesy of Alan. He dives pretty comprehensively into the nuts and bolts of something called affiliate marketing. If you’re a blogger or have any experience with the online realms, you may have heard of it and perhaps even dabble in it yourself. I know many a fellow blogger that makes a tidy little side income from affiliate sales. If you’ve never heard of it...

#BGB Tutorial- Eight Things To Do Before You Start A Small Business


This is a guest post courtesy of Brian. Starting a business can be as difficult or as easy as you want it to be, it’s all in how you prepare and perceive it. Below are some tips to consider before jumping in whole hog. If you’re thinking about starting a new business, you’ve probably already heard the statistics. According to the Small Business Association: 50% of small businesses fail in...

#BGB Tutorial- 7 Great Ways to Grow Your Brand Image


This is a guest post courtesy of Ruth with some tried and true ways to increase your brand’s visibility. We talk about ideas like this a lot on #BGB, largely because well… they work. And I figure the more they are hammered into your head, the more the ideas will stick. hehe So here we go, hammering away. Brand image is a vital part of ANY business, whether you are talking about a...

#BGB Tutorial- 4 Ways to Broadcast Your Business and Brand to the Masses


If you’re a small biz owner struggling to get your products/service and brand, you’re not alone. Every business faces this mountain at some point. Climbing that mountain can be downright discouraging when results don’t happen as quickly as you think they should. Fortunately there is no lack of creative (aaaandd not so creative) ways to get your business out there to the public and generate buzz...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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