CategoryBiz and Marketing

SEO for Dummies: 10 Basics of WordPress Search Engine Optimization


If you have landed on this page, don’t feel offended. I’m not really calling you a dummy, the basic idea is that this post is meant for complete newbies who are just getting started blogging and are just learning about concepts such as SEO. But, let’s first begin with the most rudimentary explanation of how SEO works. Have you ever wondered how Google determines which site comes...

Incentivize Shoppers and Build Brand Loyalty this Holiday Season 


The holiday shopping season is the prime time of year to offer incentives that attract new customers and turn existing customers into loyal ones. In other words, this season is an opportunity to capitalize on the tradition of gift-giving and recruit those shoppers into returning customers who strongly connect to your brand. But growing brand engagement, retention and long-term loyalty is a...

10 Smart Tactics to Convert More Customers Using Psychology


So you’re ready to win more customers? We’ve all been there. You know those ugly moments when converting website visitors into customers seems like an uphill task. “It’s easier to persuade people by moving their brains than by appealing to their feelings” says Daniel H. Pink in his book, “To Sell Is Human.” God’s truth. You should always remember that consumers and prospects primarily use...

#BGB Tutorial- Use #BlackFriday Deals to Gain Customers and Retain Repeat Biz


Black Friday may have lost a bit of cash due to escalating e-commerce sales, but the holiday still remains one of the biggest sales days of the year. This year, Black Friday is expected to generate $9.2 billion in sales, representing a 10 percent drop from last year. However, online sales are expected to balloon by 13 percent to $3 billion in sales and make up for this loss. In fact, Amazon began...

#BGB #Infographic: 21+ Killer eBook Marketing Techniques You Need To Know


By the team at When it comes to marketing, new entrepreneurs are often at a loss as to where to begin. Since there are numerous marketing strategies that one can use to promote their product or service, most entrepreneurs are often overwhelmed, making it difficult for them to focus on any one marketing tactic. However, what not many entrepreneurs may be aware of is that eBooks...

#BGB #Infographic: Social Superheroes and Event Marketing


Let’s face it; event planning has never been easy for the entrepreneur. With that said, the sheer power and rapid growth of social media platforms has forever changed the way in which we all approach the event planning process. Many business owners are still getting to grips with just how beneficial the likes of Facebook and Twitter can be for their business, reputation and customer base to grow...

3 Website Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make (Hint: Not Your Usual Suspects)


What are the biggest mistakes you can make on your website? Is it that you don’t have a list capture mechanism? Is it that you don’t have that magical sidebar widget? Or that social sharing feature? Or the viral lock plug-in? Or that shopping cart or membership site function? What about that carousel widget? Only if it could be that simple. Only if we could solve all our website woes with a...

4 Content Marketing Strategies that Don’t Involve Using Your Words (Writing Words That Is)


Nearly all B2B marketers rely on content marketing as an effective technique to promote their brands. However, 60% of them are still facing serious challenges to produce engaging content on a consistent basis. The question is: are they misunderstanding the term content? Content marketing involves much more than writing and promoting blog posts. Written content is great, especially when it’s well...

Brand Campaigns with Impact- 5 Publicity Stunts that Worked


Sometimes, publicity stunts are necessary tools that can be used to increase the outreach of your brand. The reasoning and logic behind them are… the more attention your company or organization receives, the more supporters you will gain. It’s not necessarily poor logic either. Over the years, there have been a number of publicity stunts that have helped companies increase awareness...

Create Marketing Campaigns That Speak to the Next Generation Customer


Whether you call them “Generation C” or you prefer to use the popular moniker “millennials,” young adults between the ages of 18 and 34 are a consumer force to be reckoned with. They have a buying power of $1.3 trillion dollars in annual spending, according to BCG. Being the first generation to grow up with the Internet, the millennial generation is more receptive to businesses that engage in two...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Looking for a FAB copywriter? You must MUST MUST check out Cori Padgett – she’s genius!

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