
4 Realistic Steps to Create a High-Quality Brand


Your business is running smoothly and you’re past the beginning stages. You have those parts down, but now you want to turn your small company into a recognizable brand. While it may seem complicated, it doesn’t have to be. Here are four realistic steps to create a high-quality brand. Determine Your Brand Values If you haven’t created a business plan yet, now is the time. You...

Vine – Why it Could be Your Brand Story Teller


Ya’ll have heard of Vine right? Vine my darlings, not vino. (Although a little vino at the moment wouldn’t be remiss. But I digress.) So I’ll admit I’m a slacker in the Vine department and haven’t messed with it yet. But methinks I might jump on the bandwagon, and mayhap you should too. But first let me tell you why. 😉 The growth in the number of mobile devices on...

Brand Building Tips for the Not-So-Average Joes and Janes


This is a guest post courtesy of Kate with tips on things you might want to consider before diving headlong into a branding campaign.  It’s important to have a destination in mind whenever you embark on any journey. And branding is (at least in my book) ultimately a journey of discovery, whether you are trying to build a personal brand to platform off of, or a business brand designed to...

Breathing Personality Into Your Branding Strategy


This is a guest post courtesy of Guy Asher. Ya’ll know I’m all about injecting a little personality into your copy and messaging, and using personality to help your brand stand a step above the rest.  Guy here has some interesting tips on ways you can do just that. Got ideas of your own? Feel free to share in the comments below this post.  You probably describe your business a certain...

Your Biggest Business Asset and Milking It for All It’s Worth


This is a guest post courtesy of Craig. The landscape of business is constantly changing, constantly evolving, and new ways of doing business continue to emerge at an almost staggering pace. However, there is one constant that you can most definitely count on to stand the test of time. It quite possibly is the most valuable asset a business can cultivate, and often times can mean the difference...

#BGB Tutorial- 4 Ways to Broadcast Your Business and Brand to the Masses


If you’re a small biz owner struggling to get your products/service and brand, you’re not alone. Every business faces this mountain at some point. Climbing that mountain can be downright discouraging when results don’t happen as quickly as you think they should. Fortunately there is no lack of creative (aaaandd not so creative) ways to get your business out there to the public and generate buzz...

Finding and Defining Your Brand and Voice


We all want to be that Super Brand one day. You know, like Coca Cola and Pepsi, or McDonald’s and Burger King. These are super brands that have now become such a part of our society that we “know them”. We know the “voice” of our favorite brands. We understand that they have a personality and identity and we follow them because they reflect our “likes and beliefs” closest. These brands took...

Mother Nature Approved “Green” Promo Items for Yo’ Biz


Alert- since Earth Day was just this week, I thought a little Mother Nature lovin’ to be an appropriate focus for today’s post.  Being an entrepreneur who is aware of the earth and its inhabitants, you strive to improve. (I did say strive now, no one expects perfection.) You’re giving, and your intentions are pure. A blog entry by Carrie Klassen of Pink Elephant Communications...

Sharing and Caring: Customer Love Pays Dividends


Happy Saturday BGB’ers! Here’s a little reading snack to brighten up your weekend consumption. It’s often said that social media is an outlet for natural conversations. If that’s the case, folks complaining about customer service was just bound to happen. Call it fate. Call it destiny. Call it a regular propensity to be a douche. You can even (sometimes) call it a truly...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!! You are freakin awesome!!!!!! Ok..let me try and compose myself…You rock Girl!!!! You hit it smack on the nail!

Takisha Smith, HeavenlyBottoms.com

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