This is another guest post by Miz Sarah Harris. You can check out her last post on beating writer’s block if you’re feeling squirrely. Either way, enjoy her latest! In this troubling economy, even those of us with higher education are having a hard time finding jobs that would have been readily available a few short years ago. With graduates from masters programs taking work as...
How Can A Small Business Compete? Part 1
If you're a small biz owner struggling to make a profit, you know that competing with the big dogs is usually a no-win situation. Wal-Mart has an obvious advantage over your local ma and pop shops. The huge chain gets drastic discounts from vendors, can afford to sell for little to zero markup and makes their money based purely on volume. This applies to online businesses as well. If you are...
Top 10 Reasons a Skilled Copywriter is an Asset
There are a number of reasons why so many businesses fail in their marketing efforts. But it mostly boils down to using bad or ineffective copy in their campaign’s and/or not knowing WHERE exactly to focus their marketing efforts for the maximum ROI. Preventing such a disaster from happening to your own company is fairly straightforward. If you have the resources, consider hiring a business...
4 Keys to Copy Writing and Business Success- Part 2
OK, so yesterday in part 1, we discussed the first two crucial keys to success in any areas of your life, not just business or copy writing. Those were modeling successful people and gaining control of your time. These next two final keys are mostly relevant to just business for the most part, although I am sure there is a way you can mold the concepts to fit the rest of your life as well if...
The Secret to the Squeeze! Part 5
Work the Backend Once you have a winner, it’s time to roll it out! First, get your auto responders in place. It’s good to get 8-10 ready and queued up. Since you know you have a winner, spend some time to really give them “your best”. Ideally, you want to do three things with your auto responder – first you want them to use the information you gave them in your report. The idea is...