
Common E-Commerce Mistakes = Lost Sales


This is a guest post courtesy of Kirsten, and how your ecommerce site could very well be leaking money like perforated balloon leaks air. If you don’t have an ecommerce site, but do still sell stuff online, then pay attention as well, because these tips could easily be transferred to you too. Ready? Set? Go! (As in read. Duh. hehe) There is a tremendous amount of competition in the world of...

#BGB Tutorial- 7 Great Ways to Grow Your Brand Image


This is a guest post courtesy of Ruth with some tried and true ways to increase your brand’s visibility. We talk about ideas like this a lot on #BGB, largely because well… they work. And I figure the more they are hammered into your head, the more the ideas will stick. hehe So here we go, hammering away. Brand image is a vital part of ANY business, whether you are talking about a...

A Complete Marketing Campaign- Printed Tools & Online Strategies


This is a guest post courtesy of Gareth on the value of marketing both within the online realm as well as the more traditional print media realm. Obviously both have their own unique set of pros and cons, but old school doesn’t necessarily mean old fashioned or ineffective. Please make him feel welcome and drop any thoughts in the comment section below. It’s become fashionable to dismiss...

#BGB Tutorial- How to Develop Brand Ambassadors


This is a guest post courtesy of Lior, back again to share his extensive knowledge with BGB. He currently advises to a company that created a Passbook application for following credit card charges and also works with Jive; developers of one of the best collaboration software solutions online for businesses. Keepin’ pretty busy wouldn’t you say? Please make him feel welcome in the...

Entrepreneur Gold- Why Your Small Biz Needs Local SEO


This is a guest post courtesy of Shawna on why you should pay attention to local SEO and it’s potential benefits to your business. While paying attention to SEO strategies in general is always a good idea, focusing your efforts on local SEO can yield faster results with less effort. Who doesn’t like less effort? Please make Shawna feel welcome in the comments below and shout if you...

Protect Your Reputation from Predators Online- Keep Your Brand Squeaky Clean


OK really. All it takes is one disgruntled former employee, a single dissatisfied customer or a malicious competitor to mar and even ruin your company’s reputation online. (Really… why are we plagued with malicious competitors anyway? Haven’t they heard there is plenty of room for everyone?) A reputation challenge can be disastrous for your business and brand, and the damage can sometimes...

Traditional Offline or Contemporary Online- How Should YOU Build Your Brand?


Howdy BGB’ers… long time, no talk-y.   Sorry about that, Dad died, been moving and packing/unpacking, plus dealing with sickliness on top of it all… you know how it is! You know I still love you though, and I will be back full force sometime in the near future… still just trying to get settled at the moment.   Thankfully I have awesome readers who feel compelled to...

Online Marketing: Should You Opt for a Popular or Niche Market?


This is a guest post from Dan Offer regarding the age old question entrepreneurs  new to online marketing face.  Popular or niche?  Dan breaks it down and attempts to help you make the best decision for YOU. And if you like this post, please be sure to drop your comments below. Probably the most important decision to be made when considering a home-based career as an online marketer is what...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Looking for a FAB copywriter? You must MUST MUST check out Cori Padgett – she’s genius!

Mel Connolly, EmTwoWebStudios.com

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