Tagsmall business

#BGB Tutorial- Eight Things To Do Before You Start A Small Business


This is a guest post courtesy of Brian. Starting a business can be as difficult or as easy as you want it to be, it’s all in how you prepare and perceive it. Below are some tips to consider before jumping in whole hog. If you’re thinking about starting a new business, you’ve probably already heard the statistics. According to the Small Business Association: 50% of small businesses fail in...

#DemandMore- 5 Simple Deductions Entrepreneurs Need to Take Advantage Of


Hey there BGB’ers. It’s that time of year again! You know… TAX TIME. Woo! Gotta love paying out your hard-earned cash to the IRS right? And it becomes a wee bit more complicated when you are running your own small business and not just working one of those dreaded J.O.B.s. But hey, that doesn’t mean there aren’t some perks to being self-employed, including the ability to write off qualified...

Good Hiring Practices Every Savvy Entrepreneur Should Know


When it comes to being an entrepreneur, it isn’t always easy.  And whether you’re a solopreneur that outsources certain aspects of your business,  or a small business with regular employees, good help can be hard to find! However it doesn’t have to be quite so difficult, if you put a few systems and practices into place first. When you know exactly what you need and what...

27 Part-Time Businesses You Can Start For Peanuts


Every entrepreneur has dreams beating in their passionate little hearts of creating their first portrait of freedom by working for themselves. Shedding the shackles of their J.O.B. if you will. Maybe that’s you.  Often times however, those same entrepreneurs get stalled out, because they aren’t sure WHAT they want to do for a business that won’t bury them under a mountain of...

Newsletter Ideas for Slackers (Um… I Mean Inspirationally Challenged!)


Photo by RP Blakely (Side Note: This is sort of a continuance of the list building theme from the last post. What can I say, I’m on a kick.) If you’ve been observing the online business community these past few years, you immediately notice that the power of the Internet has been spreading like wildfire when it comes to entrepreneurs and small business owners getting their ‘message’ out to the...

Old Skool Marketing- Networking Your Way to Super Stardom


Photo by Fire Horse Leo First of all, let’s square away a few facts. Do you own a small business? Are you an up-and-coming entrepreneur? Are you a freelancer? Are you a blogger? Do you work from home? If you’re any of these, then you “should” know just how important building a viable business network can be. In fact, it can be the one thing that can make or break your solo-entrepreneurial gig and...

Big Biz, Small Biz-Why the Former Succeed and the Latter Fail


There it is folks, in black and white. There are just some things in this world that can’t be denied and the fact that small businesses fail despite the best efforts of the people behind them is just one of the many things in life we might not “get” but still have to swallow. And what a bitter pill it is!  Or maybe it’s more akin to swallowing nails, whichever metaphor suits your drama...

Kicking the Habit- Are You a Workaholic?


Chances are the answer’s yes. I know I am a bit of a workaholic, most definitely.  But the problem is, my work often doesn’t feel like work, which is why I get so into it. And when it does feel like work, I do it anyway because I’m motivated to earn more revenue and build my business up even bigger and better. You now, some folks say that the harder you work, the faster your business will grow...

Enter the Ranks of Super-Entrepreneur and Beef up Your Savings Strategy


OK, so this might stem from the fact that I’ve been taking Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace class now for the last several weeks. And in fact I wrote a post not too long ago where I talked about some of what I’ve learned so far on getting intentional and focusing on your goals. And then I talked about good ole Dave Ramsey again when I talked about emergencies being guaranteed to happen… that’s just...

Top 6 Reasons You Need to Schedule Me-Time And No Arguing!


When you’re starting out on your own and establishing yourself as an entrepreneur, the hours can be very long. And when you’re a one-woman team, juggling between being the CEO, the marketing guy (um, girl…), the secretary, the accountant, the tech administrator, and even the janitor (!) it’s hard work. Long workdays can suck the energy from you. I know, I’m feeling that energy suck today! And...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Looking for a FAB copywriter? You must MUST MUST check out Cori Padgett – she’s genius!

Mel Connolly, EmTwoWebStudios.com

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