Top 10 Things You Shouldn’t Sacrifice In ‘Yo Biz When Living On a Budget


This is a guest post from Ally. You already know budgeting and saving is a smart idea both personally and from a business stand point.

But Ally gives you some hope that it doesn’t have to be all deprive-y and angst-y.

And she also points out a few things you absolutely should not sacrifice when it comes to budgeting well for your biz.

Hope you find the read useful and please drop any thoughts in the comments below. Word.

Small businesses — particularly those who are just starting out — are dependent on their own funds. Sometimes, you need to budget your income just to even things out.

As a business you always pros and cons. In the pro side, you as the owner have a hands-on look at the daily operations of the business. You know what’s going on, what problems the business is experiencing and you are able to easily find solutions for these concerns.

The downside of this is the fact that you do not have any one or anything to fall back on except your own resources. Corporations and big businesses have a board of investors or bigger financial coffers to dip in to should they need to. Here are the top 10 things you shouldn’t sacrifice when you’re living on a budget with your business.

Improving Your Skill

The key to any business is the knowledge you’ll bring into it. While there are a lot of entrepreneurs who go into a business without knowing much about it, they immediately rectify that by trying to learn what they can.

You can learn through books or asking for advice from experienced people in the same field. Some people go back to school and get a degree. It is an expense, but consider it an investment towards your business. Don’t scrimp on finding the best resources and guides to help your knowledge improve and help your business grow.


In any business, having the right equipment is next to having the right information and knowledge. This is crucial particularly for business that cater to certain needs in the industry. Food services need good and solid kitchen equipment.

Internet shops need reliable computers with updated software. Good quality hardware is an essential part of any business. Investing in quality equipment from the start and maintaining it regularly ensures its longevity. It lessens your need to replace it after a short period of time.

Quality Staff

Even small businesses need a staff to help it run smoothly. As the owner, you need to have a group of people you trust. In return you have to make sure they’re well compensated and happy in your employ. Having a great relationship with them helps ensure a business that runs smoothly.


Spreading the word about your business is essential if you want to get customers. Explore all avenues that help let people know that what you’ve established, what services you offer and what they can do to avail of it.


Much like advertising, networking helps you connect with people who can either help spread the word about your business. Networking also allows you to find people who can help you learn more on how you can improve on your business.


Regardless of the size of your business, never scrimp on insurance. There’s no telling what will happen. Better be prepared for anything rather than lose your business and start from scratch.

Product Quality

Never compromise your business in any aspect, particularly on your product quality. Regardless on what business you are in, your output and service should always be topnotch. Slipping on these can break you, and it will be hard for you to get back up.

On Improving Your Business

Just as you need to improve on your skills as a business owner and manager, you need to improve the business. Even after a couple of years, your equipment will be out of date no matter how good it is. When it’s time for an upgrade, don’t scrimp on getting good equipment.

Your Beliefs

When running a business, it’s easy enough throw your beliefs out the window. You start off enthusiastically and with much faith, but the challenges can sometimes break you down. Don’t let those get to you, and always remember what it is that started you on getting your business running in the first place.

Time to Relax

Most small business owners carry more stress than big business owners as the former has more direct contact with the daily operation. Taking time off from your business is crucial if you want to have a clear head to keep it running.

The good thing with technology these days is that it actually provides ways for you to get the best for your business without having to shell out that much money. It helps you stay within your budget while being able to meet the goals you want. For example, having a solid internet connection with a good computer already opens up a lot of avenues for you.

You can find suppliers of your equipment or material and you’ll be able to compare prices for the best deal. At the same time, the Internet allows you access to various social networks that help spread the word about your businesses. Lastly, you can also find resources to help expand your knowledge.

There you have it. Some things you just shouldn’t sacrifice, even when you’re on a budget. Whaddaya think? Are there other things? Do share and if you found this post useful, spread it ’round on Twitter and Facebook and such. 😉

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About the author

Ally Tobias

Ally is part of the team that manages Budgeting Spreadsheet and How to Save Money, which are personal finance guides, based in Sydney, Australia. Before joining BS & HTSM, she was a Media Planner in McCann Worldgroup Philippines, Inc., with award-winning executions, including the Levi’s 501 “Live Unbuttoned” global campaign.

By Ally Tobias

Ally Tobias

Ally is part of the team that manages Budgeting Spreadsheet and How to Save Money, which are personal finance guides, based in Sydney, Australia. Before joining BS & HTSM, she was a Media Planner in McCann Worldgroup Philippines, Inc., with award-winning executions, including the Levi’s 501 “Live Unbuttoned” global campaign.

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