
8 Branding Essentials for Powerful Business Presentations


This is a guest post courtesy of the team over at Company Folders, on what it takes to create a powerful biz presentation. I tend to avoid things with the word presentation in them myself, so I thought deferring to someone with more experience in them would be a good idea, for those of you that do erm… present stuff.  Please feel free to drop any thoughts or questions in the comments below...

#BGB Tutorial- Writing Content that Converts


This guest post is brought to you by Steven.  Since we’ve been talking writing and content the past week or two, I thought we’d continue the trend. Steven shares with you some of his tips for writing shiznet that converts. Converts to what you ask? Chocolate! Vodka! Wine! (OK, OK… just kidding.) Converts as in achieves the goal you set for it. Duh.  Ideally those goals...

#BGB Tutorial- 6 Ways to Turn a Drab Story into a Fab Story


This is a guest post courtesy of Danny Levin. As a freelance writer myself with a voracious love of a good story, I thought it would be a great compliment to last weeks blog post.  As always feel free to drop any comments in the box below this post and if you celebrate it… Happy Early Turkey Day! 🙂 Whether you write books, marketing copy, or website content, telling a compelling story...

#BGB Tutorial- How to Write a Great Author Bio


This is a guest post courtesy of Georgina. Writing a great bio is a key skill to master, especially if you are using your bio to convert readers into something more, such as a subscriber or a client. However there are a crap ton of really good writers out there, that still seem to fall short in the bio department.  Maybe it’s because they are writing about themselves, or maybe they are over...

You Might be an Ick Writer If…


It’s come to my attention after my first stint on ProBlogger that I’m NOT the only writer on the planet that likes to write naked and eat lots of ice cream and chocolate.  And by write naked I mean fully clothed but like… totally vulnerable and authentic. HA! You thought I really meant naked didn’t you. Dirty. Really though, I’ve decided a writers club is in order. “The Naked Writers Generation...

21 Ways to Create Engaging Web Content


If you own a website or blog, you probably already know that the bulk of your visitors have the attention span of a gnat. Unfortunately that's just the way it is. So if you are creating content, and you want them to stick around and read some of it, it's got to be engaging. So here are 21 easy ways you can spruce up your content and make it more engaging and interesting to your readers.


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

Get in touch

Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Since revamping my website with revitalized copy and search engine optimization, my client load has more than doubled. What has really surprised me is the number of people who come to my office saying that the copy on my website is what got them to call me.

People feel like they get a real sense of me before coming to meet me. This is amazing and means so much in a field often clouded with fear of the unknown. Cori was fantastic to work with in that she went above and beyond to really get what I needed my copy to say and HOW. I think it required a lot of patience on her part and I am so thankful I trusted her to help! Thanks Big Girl Branding!!

Melissa Hargrave, HillCountryTherapy.com

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