8 Unique Ways to Promote Your Online Brand


This is a guest post from Cale on 8 different ways you can promote your online brand that are slightly left field from the traditional route.

I especially like the idea of sponsoring a UFC fighter!

How about you?  Let us know in the comments section below. 🙂

I’ve seen endless articles on how to write, promote and improve websites and frankly I am sick of it – it’s been done to death.

I want something new, something that will take my website to a whole new level…and I know you want those things too.

So here it is – 8 unique ways to promote your online brand from crazy ideas such as promoting a UFC fighter to ones we can all achieve… like writing a book.

There are certainly ways, if you have the will power and a little cash of course, to make your blog the stellar brand you want it to be.

Write a Book

Write a book you say?

How on earth do you expect me to do that?

Well, think about it – if you’re blogging and trying to create a brand, then you must be claiming to be some type of expert (even if you aren’t really). (Cori’s note- I REALLY hope you are what you say you are!)

So why shouldn’t you be able to take what you know and put it in a book? It doesn’t have to be a hard cover book, it can be an e-book too (think between 20-50 pages) and either way, you can sell it on Amazon. Just take what you know, or what you think you know, and put it down in writing.

You might just find that by boldly showing you have the confidence to write a book, you will achieve expert status in no time. Then you can watch as your website’s brand not only gets exposure, but grows beyond your wildest dreams.


You’ve been to a conference, seen stands and stores and always gone to check them out. So why not have your own stand? Not only will you get the exposure you want, but people will remember you when thinking about a particular field.

If you are really ambitious, one method that is sure to get you success is hosting your very own conference. Take Mashable as an example… imagine your brand is hosting on it and yes, it is an out-there idea, but if you have the resources then go for it!

Create Courses

There are millions of people out there who are cruising the web while looking to expand their knowledge; the problem is that you usually have to pay to learn anything worth knowing.  So why not offer courses on your website that teach people something valuable for free?

Whether it be cooking classes, to turn you into a master chef, or marketing courses that will give you the skills you need to sell ice to Eskimos, it can really end up benefitting your brand. You could offer them in e-book form or, in the case of cooking, use interesting videos to teach your skills.

You could also try to get the courses accredited so that people can use them on their CV’s. Offering courses for free will grow your brand reputation and get traffic flowing to your website, plus it’s a real great way to get link bait for your website.

Sponsor a UFC Fighter

Not everyone has watched this sport but most have at least heard of it. UFC is the fastest growing sport on the globe, so why not jump on the bandwagon? It may cost you some of your precious dollars, but sponsoring a UFC fighter is a unique way to get exposure for your website and it will certainly build your brand. Imagine your fighter in the ring with your gear on him.

The ‘cool factor’ definitely exists and works, and this is a great example of that. How do you think a company like Red Bull grew their brand so well? Simple, they thought outside the box and you need to do the same.


This idea gives you a range of options because everyone loves the idea of winning something. If you have a simple tourism website, why not have a picture or video of the month contest?

Not only is it quick and easy but it’s a good way to get loyal fans to log on to your site. Something more personal would be to have a product, one which you possibly sell, incorporated into the contest.

Shoemoney has done this very well – if you get attractive people to wear your merchandise and send in pictures with them wearing it, not only are you getting exposure but you’re in effect getting free models to advertise your brand.

It is pretty simple and, with a little bit of promotion to get it up and running, you’ll be seeing returning users to your website in no time.


Ever heard the term, ‘there’s no such thing as bad publicity’?

Well, I have to mostly agree. Just look at Paris Hilton – is she not more famous than ever? What I’m getting at is that, when it comes to creating something that causes a stir, whether an article or a publicity event that gets people talking, the more controversial the better.

People remember those that step into the spotlight, just remember to avoid creating something that could ruin your reputation. Red Bull recently drove their F1 car down a populated city street in South Africa while on tour. No planning, just pure shock and awe – illegal yes, but people will remember it.

Create a Mascot

I recently read that marketing in the modern world needs to “kill the mascot”, but I am not sure if I agree here. Look at sports teams all over the world, their brands are unabashedly represented by beloved mascots, so why shouldn’t your website be too?

If you feel you can’t create a mascot then make sure you have a logo that represents your brand because in order to grow, people need to identify with something. If you have a travel or sports website, have your mascot in different destinations and sports venues then take photos and post them on the net, soon people will start to look for the mascot and even check up where it’s been spotted.

Car Sponsorship

As I’ve said, you need to think outside the box and that applies to promoting your website’s brand offline too. In your respective area, how many taxi cabs do you see?

Lots I presume, so why not advertise on some of these – or even just one? These brand beacons never stop moving and that means constant exposure for you. You may not get traffic back to your site, but the purpose is to grow your brand. People will start to recognise it and, in time, check it out.

There are many more options out there, all you have to do is open the box and step outside it. You can take something small and, with your smart resources, make it spectacular.

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About the author

Cale Pissarra

Cale Pissarra being from a small town didn't let that stop him, he completed  a Bcom PPE and Post grad, before joining R.O.I. Media in 2011 as an SEO consultant. Having a passion for his football blog led him to the online world of SEO and search engine marketing. R.O.I. Media specializes in search engine optimization and pay per click.

By Cale Pissarra

Cale Pissarra

Cale Pissarra being from a small town didn't let that stop him, he completed  a Bcom PPE and Post grad, before joining R.O.I. Media in 2011 as an SEO consultant. Having a passion for his football blog led him to the online world of SEO and search engine marketing. R.O.I. Media specializes in search engine optimization and pay per click.

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Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Since revamping my website with revitalized copy and search engine optimization, my client load has more than doubled. What has really surprised me is the number of people who come to my office saying that the copy on my website is what got them to call me.

People feel like they get a real sense of me before coming to meet me. This is amazing and means so much in a field often clouded with fear of the unknown. Cori was fantastic to work with in that she went above and beyond to really get what I needed my copy to say and HOW. I think it required a lot of patience on her part and I am so thankful I trusted her to help! Thanks Big Girl Branding!!

Melissa Hargrave, HillCountryTherapy.com

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