
Twitter and the Brands that Dominate


Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn, in my admittedly humble opinion, have always been the social media platforms that I get the most mileage out of. And out of all the ones I would probably deem “most useful” in a customer service type capacity, I would have to probably dub Twitter the winner. Apparently other businesses agree with me.   There are quite a few big brands that have...

Novel Idea- Pick Up The Phone And Call Your Twitter Followers


This is a guest post courtesy of my buddy and biz associate, who is one of the most sincere and genuine folks I’ve had the pleasure of making friends with via social media.  Of course he’s the polar opposite of moi, because he actually LIKES talking to folks on the phone and meeting people on the realz. hehe Not to say I hate meeting new people, I am just the type who tends to get a...

To Do… or Not To Do… Getting Social with a Marketing Agency


Social media is here to stay folks. The platforms may change, processes may change, but it’s definitely not going anywhere. Unless of course we experience a sudden worldwide blackout, REVOLUTION style. (Tell me you get the reference!) But I digress. Some people, unfortunately for them, still tend to look at social media as a waste of time, or as merely a toy for young people. Some...

#BGB Tutorial- How to Rebuild Your Brand For The Modern Age


This is a guest post courtesy of Mr. John Miller.  It’s time to get with the modern era, if you haven’t already. The business landscape is evolving and changing quickly, and brands that don’t even make the effort to keep up are going to bite the dust. Harsh? Maybe. Doesn’t make it any less true. Please share your thoughts and point of view in the comments below dorks. xo...

Does Online Interaction Increase Brand Awareness?


Speaking as a woman who knows, it’s pretty common to have a million things on your plate. Women tend to take the weight of the world on their shoulders. I know I do! Add to that trying to build a new business up and your days can seem pretty daunting. Where do you start? How do you find clients? How do you increase sales? How do you create a great brand? And how do you do all of the above on a...

Simple Social Media Marketing for Your Small Business


This is a guest post courtesy of Ken on social media marketing for your business. Social media is one of the primary ways I market my own small biz and it’s how I got started originally.  My first handful of clients came from forums, and then the rest trickled in from Twitter. Eventually I set up my blog and then Twitter and Facebook became my way to cross promote my blog and my services. ...

Four Ways That Oxfam Uses Twitter To Make A Difference


This is a guest post courtesy of Miz Jenna where she very astutely breaks down how the Oxfam charity organization uses Twitter in an extremely effective way. The result is brand recognition, organization growth, and ultimately making a difference in this world.  Take a page or two from their book and apply it to your own business strategy and you might just be surprised with the results! As...

Stop Diluting Your Brand And Up Your Twitter Power


This is a guest post by a dear member ‘o my tribe and BGB contributor Kazia. Please note, while I myself have multiple Twitter accounts I can’t argue with her logic! I find the bulk of my tweeting and activity is on my BGB account, and very little action happens on the other two! So read, learn, and implement grasshoppers… some good shite here. Oh and be sure to make her feel...

Social Networking, Tobri and Ants- Social Media Gets Graphic


We’ve seen them all come and we’ve seen them all go. There were different gimmicks, different features, different ways of trying to reel in the public and get as many people as possible to sign up for an account. We’ve watched their birth, their tentative climb towards success, the eventual plateau in popularity, and finally the natural death that comes to claim everything in this world. No, I’m...

A Day of Recognition- Top #FollowFriday Tweeps and Why


OK, so I’m not a huge fan of #FollowFriday these days, because most folks just lump a huge tweet full of people together and say #FF with no specific reason on why you should follow those people, or have auto-tweets set up that recommend the same Tweeps every Friday. However I do participate here and there and try to thank the folks who recommend me. That said, I decided to write a post today on...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

Get in touch

Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

Since revamping my website with revitalized copy and search engine optimization, my client load has more than doubled. What has really surprised me is the number of people who come to my office saying that the copy on my website is what got them to call me.

People feel like they get a real sense of me before coming to meet me. This is amazing and means so much in a field often clouded with fear of the unknown. Cori was fantastic to work with in that she went above and beyond to really get what I needed my copy to say and HOW. I think it required a lot of patience on her part and I am so thankful I trusted her to help! Thanks Big Girl Branding!!

Melissa Hargrave, HillCountryTherapy.com

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