The Brains Behind the Brawn

In its relatively short life, Big Girl Branding has become a blog of note… a place for entrepreneurs (and aspiring entrepreneurs) to come and sit a spell… learn a little something… and maybe experience a laugh or two.

BGB’s mission statement (if that sheds a little light) is:

To bring forth quality info to readers, who can then use said info and apply it to their own biz, branding, and marketing shenanigans.

May contain info unsuitable for overly sensitive people. Dork label required.

OK so maybe it more closely resembles an elevator speech, but hey… concise is the word of the day!  And believe you me, I take that dork label stuff seriously!  This blog isn’t a place for folks who can’t laugh at themselves and find humor in even their muck-ups and mistakes.

A little humor is essential, especially when you’re trying to go into business for yourself.  Sh*t happens, and the BGB motto is- Deal with it! Laugh at it… and move on.  That said, I hope you find this blog insanely valuable, insanely useful, and insanely fun.  In that order.

And if you do (or don’t) find this blog insanely everything, feel free to contact me and tell me exactly what you love or don’t love, so I can continue to make this place better for you.  In the mean time…

A Little History

BGB was created in late 2009… June to be exact.  It was created with the goal in mind to showcase my writing skills and further my biz as a ghostblogger.  However, it ended up morphing into something more, and something completely amazing.  I found I was connecting with people, and that people were learning from me. Go figure!

I also found that I enjoyed “teaching” of a sort, and running BGB suddenly became a labor of love for me.  My new goals (while they still included showcasing my writing, of course) became to make this blog something to be proud of and to build a community of like-minded folks around it.

And I’m hoping that as that community continually grows, we can all begin to ‘pay it forward’ to other new and aspiring entrepreneurs.  I feel that everyone should experience the feeling of personal and financial freedom, and that entrepreneurship is really the only way to get there.

Tying yourself down in a J.O.B. (no matter how good a job it may be) is only limiting yourself and the life you are meant to live.

YOU should call the shots when it comes to your life and your income.  And I hope that the content you’ll find on BGB will help you to do exactly that.

Now… About Me!


I am a ghostwriter to the pros and eager lifetime student of the art of good copy.  Starting out a little backwards in life, I became a young mom at the age of 17.  Yep, I said 17. 🙂

In 1999, I graduated from high school 8 1/2 months pregnant, but determined not to be your typical statistic.

Since then I went on to attend my local community college for several years, cleaning vacation homes for a living while raising my 2 boys.

I was seeking a degree in music and audio production to feed my creative drive and love of sound and hopefully parlay that into a successful career in the music business.

Up until it wasn’t, that was my ‘BIG PLAN’.  Fortunately for me, I knew there was a better way to earn a living and gain financial freedom than my ‘BIG PLAN’.

I discovered online marketing and realized I had a talent with the written word.  I fell into ghosting and have not looked back since!  Since October of 2008 I have put all my focus into online marketing and blogging, ghostwriting, and copywriting, not necessarily in that order.

I became determined to learn my new found craft backwards and forwards, and create my own personal success story.

Luckily for me, thanks to a little lot of help from God I was well on my way pretty quickly.  Check out what people say about me if you want to see for yourself!

You can also see a bit of work I’ve done as a guest on notable blogs such as VirginProblogger, Write To Done, Kikolani, Blogussion, and Famous Bloggers to name a few.  I’ve also been featured on the GoDaddy Community, as well as Gala Darling.  To see the rest, you can go here- My Guest Splash.

I consider myself a constant work in progress. If you aren’t growing, you aren’t moving right?

Currently residing in sunny Florida, with eight dogs, three sons, and a very dear hubby, it’s my hope to be an inspiration to all the mamas out there struggling to find their way in this world.

You CAN be independent and financially free, with or without a college degree and typical 9-5 job.  All it takes is a little faith, hard work and focus, focus, f***ing FOCUS!

Hire Me for Your Next Project

If you like what I’ve got to say around here, please take a sec and spread the word. I’ll love you forever, and might even consider not stalking you… maybe.

And if you’re still interested in me after reading this… get to know me some more. You can also see why I think #CustomerLove is important!

OK… I’m really done now.

P.S.  You are welcome to also view BGB’s Privacy Policy and Disclosure Statement too… if you really wanna.

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