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Top 10 Reasons a Skilled Copywriter is an Asset


There are a number of reasons why so many businesses fail in their marketing efforts. But it mostly boils down to using bad or ineffective copy in their campaign’s and/or not knowing WHERE exactly to focus their marketing efforts for the maximum ROI. Preventing such a disaster from happening to your own company is fairly straightforward. If you have the resources, consider hiring a business...

4 Keys to Copy Writing and Business Success- Part 2


OK, so yesterday in part 1, we discussed the first two crucial keys to success in any areas of your life, not just business or copy writing.  Those were modeling successful people and gaining control of your time.  These next two final keys are mostly relevant to just business for the most part, although I am sure there is a way you can mold the concepts to fit the rest of your life as well if...

4 Keys to Copy Writing and Business Success- Part 1


Photo by ul_Marga I recently read an article on the 4 keys that are crucial to being a successful copy writer.  However, as I read, I could also see how these steps can be applied to ANY business, and  two of them I feel can be applied to your life over all. So let’s start with the first key that I feel can be applied not only copy writing, but business and your life as well. 1.Monkey see...

Bullets with a Purpose (part 2)


Last time, I talked about creating bullets, and having an end goal in mind with each one.  Each one should move you closer to the close, and if it doesn’t, scrap it. I said that one purpose of a bullet could be to sell something, and another purpose could be to perform a bit of voo-doo and take the prospect out of one mindset and plunk them into another mindset. Now, for today, another...

Bullets with a Purpose


As in life, everything you do in your business or sales strategy should have a purpose. Doing anything without an end goal in mind is essentially just spinning your wheels and wasting your time. When you know why you are doing something, suddenly whatever it is you are doing takes on a whole new connotation.  There is a REASON behind your actions, and a method to your madness.  Remember, end goal...

Buyer's Remorse- Vindicate Thyself!


I can’t tell you how many times I have made a purchase over the years, just awash in the glow of greed and the feeling that I NEEDED to buy that.  I absolutely couldn’t live without it! And then, almost immediately after cashing out, I am hit with a wave of despair and regret.  Aka Buyers Remorse! You know you’ve felt it too! The magic and allure of the product or merchandise...

Use Personality As Your Secret Weapon


You know, it’s funny. I never considered myself a ‘salesperson’.  In fact, you would be seriously hard pressed to EVER get me on the phone, especially to sell something because I just don’t see myself as the ‘salesman’ type.  I consider most salesmen to be pushy and rude for the most part. Especially when they are standing right in front of me, or yakkin’...

Focus on the Aftertaste


Whether writing a sales letter, or making a presentation, you should always pay attention to what you are leaving your prospect with. The aftertaste of doing business with you. The bottom line in snagging a life long customer and not just a one off is to leave them feeling like you care about them and their success or quality of life. If they feel like the only thing you care about is making the...

Don't Be a Multi-Tasker!


OK, so I’m a multi-tasker. I admit it, ain’t no shame in my game! BUT I do realize that multitasking is NOT always beneficial to me, and sometimes it is even downright detrimental!  When you have too many irons in the fire, one of them is bound to get dropped, and fling a burning arc of ashes all over your best efforts at accomplishing your goals. It’s the same thing you need to...

The Secret to the Squeeze! Part 5


Work the Backend Once you have a winner, it’s time to roll it out! First, get your auto responders in place. It’s good to get 8-10 ready and queued up. Since you know you have a winner, spend some time to really give them “your best”. Ideally, you want to do three things with your auto responder – first you want them to use the information you gave them in your report. The idea is...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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