Tagsearch engine optimization

SEO for Dummies: 10 Basics of WordPress Search Engine Optimization


If you have landed on this page, don’t feel offended. I’m not really calling you a dummy, the basic idea is that this post is meant for complete newbies who are just getting started blogging and are just learning about concepts such as SEO. But, let’s first begin with the most rudimentary explanation of how SEO works. Have you ever wondered how Google determines which site comes...

Why I Could Give a Donkey’s Tickler About “Effective” SEO


Disclaimer: I may or may not be slightly overtired from moving. And I may or may not have had a glass of wine very recently while doing a bit of work. OK, fine. I am and I did. Grammar police and any other police-y type peeps, don’t hate. Appreciate. Ha. OK, right… onward. So I don’t actually know what a donkey’s tickler is. I totally made that part up. hehe But really...

6 SEO Myths that Stop You from Ranking in Google (Hint: There’s No Magic Involved)


Howdy boys and girls. This is a guest post courtesy of Traian. You all know SEO is an important cog in the wheel of blogging successfully. However it’s possible you get a little too caught up in the morass to really be effective at it. I know I’ve been guilty!  Keep reading and allow Traian to lead you a better (read: less headache-y) path to SEO. Do you allow myths to take over your...

Guest Post-So I Failed My Driver’s Test – 4 SEO Basics That Will Make or Break You


OK, so in keeping with the SEO kick I’ve gotten on the past week or two, this is a guest post by Remy Shepard on the importance of always sticking to the basic before branching out and getting all complicated. This is applied to SEO strategies, however, I feel the basic message applies to just about everything in life.  Start with the basics and work you way up from there, and you...

Effective SEO Strategies from a Self Proclaimed Non-Expert


OK, so I got a pretty good response when I talked about SEO and social media the other day.  Which led me to ponder… What do you really know about search engine optimization or SEO?  I mean really. Which led me to the somewhat warped conclusion that after discussing it briefly… I feel we should discuss it some more.  You know, to drive it all home and make sure it’s embedded in that sweet little...

SEO vs. Social Media- Who Wears the Pants?


The short answer if you’re tight on time and really don’t want to read my stuff (sniffle, sniffle)… is that social media and SEO wear the pants in this duo. I know, SO boring when there’s a tie!  Where’s the blood? The guts? The glory? No TKO?  Sheesh. Alas, it’s true my friend. Search engine optimization (SEO) and social media are catchphrases you hear and read about on a daily basis if you’re...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

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Looking for a FAB copywriter? You must MUST MUST check out Cori Padgett – she’s genius!

Mel Connolly, EmTwoWebStudios.com

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