
Are POP Displays Really a Thing?


While I’m certainly no expert, I’ve recently been reading up on POP displays and potentially using them in your brand strategy.  You can walk into just about any Walmart, Winn Dixie, or <insert retail store of choice here> and find yourself exposed to what’s called a point of purchase display, whether you realized what you were looking at or not. According to BrandingStrategyInsider.com, a...

Common E-Commerce Mistakes = Lost Sales


This is a guest post courtesy of Kirsten, and how your ecommerce site could very well be leaking money like perforated balloon leaks air. If you don’t have an ecommerce site, but do still sell stuff online, then pay attention as well, because these tips could easily be transferred to you too. Ready? Set? Go! (As in read. Duh. hehe) There is a tremendous amount of competition in the world of...

Branding like Apple: 20 Ways to Make your Biz Stand Out


This is a guest post courtesy of Roye Okupe. While branding really isn’t rocket science, it is an area some businesses tend to fall a little short in. Luckily, there are examples of bangin’ hot brands out there that know just what the frack they’re doing, and they do it well. They might not be perfect all the time, but they are consistently doing shite right, and you can learn...

#BGB Tutorial- 6 Ways to Turn a Drab Story into a Fab Story


This is a guest post courtesy of Danny Levin. As a freelance writer myself with a voracious love of a good story, I thought it would be a great compliment to last weeks blog post.  As always feel free to drop any comments in the box below this post and if you celebrate it… Happy Early Turkey Day! 🙂 Whether you write books, marketing copy, or website content, telling a compelling story...

What Swallowing a 2 Inch Needle Can Teach You About Making Your Business Stand Out


This is a guest post courtesy of Logan. I think you’ll find it an entertaining, interesting, and downright useful read. If you do, please help share this post and make him feel welcome in the comments below. Take it away Logan! Back in high school I wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. I did some pretty stupid things. Things that Johnny Knoxville would be proud of. But when I think back on...

Desperate Housewives on Writing, Storytelling, and Selling


This is a guest post by Danny Iny, and since I’m a big fan of references to pop culture on BGB, and drawing parallels between them for your biz, Danny sweet-talked his way into writing for you guys. 😉 No really it’s just a damn good post, no sweet talking required.  Let’s make him feel welcome by starting a bit ‘o conversation shall we? So many things happen on Wisteria...

Universal Laws of Good Copywriting Part 1


Learning how to write a sales letter can be extremely difficult. It seems as if everyone has an opinion on how to write copy, and many of those opinions contradict each other – even amongst top copywriters. That being said, there are some universal copywriting “laws” that will be the same for everyone. We’re going to go over a few of those fundamentals, as well as how you can use them to your...


Cori (that's me!) is a wildly hire-able freelance writer as well as the creative brains and dubious brawn behind this blog you're reading right now, My Name is Cori, & Salt, Light, and Faith. Oh and you might also call her an author. Visit C.B. Stone Books for more.

Get in touch

Have a question? Need a quote? Feel free to reach out via my contact page, and I'll reply as soon as possible. You can also check out my new website at MyNameisCori.com for information on content retainers and portfolio links.

The best compliment that I can pay Cori is to simply say that “she gets it”.

She works extremely hard to capture the written “voice” that will define your business. Cori intuitively knows how to deliver your message in a voice that is both creative and effective. As a newly-minted small business owner, I rely heavily on both her counsel and her expertise. And on top of all of that, she’s hilarious!

Marian Rembert, VAforNonProfits.com

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